Monday, December 21, 2009

Quebec City

I've been fortuante enough to visit Quebec city a few times. Once in 2003 and once in 2008. Entering the city can be quite a sight. We drove in on the Pierre Laporte Bridge, an awesome suspension bridge that is quite overwhelming in scale.

Much of Quebec City is very modern, but we decided to focus our time in the Sainte-Foy-Sillery-Cap-Rouge area which contains Old Quebec. This area seems to be where most of the history is focused.

The giant ramparts surrounding the Old city are the only remaining fortified city walls that still exist in North America north of Mexico. These walls act like a portal. You feel like you have stepped into an older part of Europe. It is quite increditble. Many of the roads are made of cobble stone, with horse drawn carriages always at the ready.

The streets are very narrow with many shops snugly fitting close together. We spent a lot of time near the St. Lawerence River at the cliff edge. This is the area that most symbolises Quebec city. Chateau Frontenac stands overhead, and helps to focus the landscape.

This is the area where they hold the annual winter carnival. Unfortunately I have yet to attend, maybe some other time. I hear it is quite a time with sleding and ice sculptures galore.

I highly recommend visiting this city if you are ever in the area. If you are looking for a unique gift as a keep sake for your loved one then I recommend you head over to Earth Claim and grab a virtual deed of Old Quebec. It would make a great momento of your trip there!